
Showing posts from March, 2023

Bridge pose: Benefits, How to do, Modifications and Variations, & More

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose) is a great pose to do when needing to relieve stress or reduce anxiety. When practicing the bridge pose, you are not just working on your core but stretching out any tension in your back, legs, neck, and chest. This asana strengthens the abdomen, back, and arms, thus supporting the heart and lungs. It also helps improve stamina flexibility, gives a feeling of overall well-being, and stimulates the thyroid and pituitary glands, thus balancing the metabolism. The bridge pose can be performed by both beginners and experienced practitioners of yoga. Bridge Pose — Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (SAY-too BAHN-duh shar-vahn-GAHS-uh-nuh) — is a beginning backbend that helps to open the chest and stretch the thighs. Its Sanskrit name comes from five different words: “Setu” — meaning “bridge” “Bandha” — meaning “lock” “Sarva” — meaning “all” “Anga” — meaning “limb” “Asana” — meaning “pose” When you're in the pose, your arms and legs create a “locked bridge” ...

Yogasanas For Heart: 8 Incredible Yoga Poses To Keep Heart Healthy

  Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar says: “Yoga is a study of life, the study of your body, breath, mind, intellect, memory, and ego; study of your inner faculties.” Besides wisdom and philosophy, yoga is a relaxing combination of asanas, breathing techniques, and meditation. Every yoga pose has a particular effect on the respiratory system and therefore, affects the heart. The benefits include: Lower blood pressure. Increase lung capacity. Lower bad cholesterol levels. Improved heart rate Boost blood circulation. Yoga is effective in dealing with stress and pressure. That, itself, can heal a heart patient. Today, there is no age factor that determines heart ailments. People in their 20s are falling prey to heart attacks. Is it because like Atlas, the world is on our shoulders? Is it because we skip our meals and substitute it with convenience food with zero nutrition? The reasons are many, especially related to an unhealthy lifestyle.  The good news is that one can do a ...