Yoga poses to reduce hair fall

 Excess stress can lead to hair loss, while the exact mechanism is unknown, researchers have a theory that extreme stress can affect the body’s immune system response and (usually temporarily) slow hair growth.

Yoga as a practice can help reduce stress levels. A study found that yoga helps to reduce serum cortisol levels, which are associated with high stress levels.

A study found that regularly practicing yoga helped reduce inflammatory markers in the body. These could potentially reduce the effect stress could have on the body, reducing the likelihood a person could experience hair loss.

Practicing the best yoga for hair growth is getting popular by the day as the world is getting to know about the wonders it can do for hair. There are different yoga poses that can help with numerous hair problems — yoga can help induce hair growth, curb hair loss and improve the overall health of your hair. You just have to spread a yoga mat and strike a pose for the luscious locks you have always wanted.

Here are some yoga asanas for hair growth that will help you get stronger and longer hair in no time. Read on...

1. Adho mukha savasana (downward facing dog pose)

How to do it: Stand on all fours with your knees and palms on the yoga mat. Rise on your feet and move your legs back to form an inverted V shape with your body. Keep your knees and arms straightened, and your abdomen pushed inward. Keep your head down and your eyes on your navel. Breathe in and out and stay in that position for 5 long breaths.

Benefits: A part of the sun salutation, this is the most beneficial yoga pose for back, head, sinus and can help with stress, depression, and insomnia. Since your head is down for a couple of minutes, the blood flows into the head, regenerating the scalp and hair follicles. Yoga for hair growth and glowing skin stimulates blood circulation to the scalp which helps in strengthening hair follicles and assists in hair regrowth.

2. Sirsasana (head stand)

How to do it: Kneel down, interlock your fingers and bend your head downwards on the floor. Supporting the crown of your head with your interlocked hands, raise your legs up gently to stand upside down perpendicular to the floor. Keep your legs close and arms straight. Once your body is stable in this pose, try and maintain the balance for a few seconds. Relax your toes and exhale and inhale in the position.

Benefits: It improves blood circulation which helps reduce hair loss and balding and thinning of hair. Plus, this pose is also beneficial in preventing premature greying of hair and helps regrow new hair. The upside-down position causes the dormant hair follicles to reach their maximum growth capacity and thus improve hair growth.

3. Vajrasana (thunderbolt pose)

How to do it: Kneel down and sit on your heels with a straight back and neck and heels close together. Keep your hands in a relaxed position on your thighs with palms down, and keep your head and vision straight. Be in that position for at least 30 seconds, and take deep and long breaths during this time. Relax and stretch once you’re done.

Benefits: It is a very simple yoga pose that even yoga newbies can do with ease. Vajrasana pose helps release tension and stress which is the most common cause of greying and hair loss. It increases blood circulation in the scalp and strengthens hair. Performing this pose regularly will improve hair health and make it thick and strong over time.

4. Sarvangasana (shoulder stand)

How to do it: Lie down on your back and raise your legs and back up in a straight manner. Support your body with your forearms and keep your buttocks straight and up. Let your body rest on your shoulders with your hands keeping your spine straight. Keep your toes stiff, your neck straight and your eyes on your feet. Hold the position, inhale and exhale for a couple of seconds and then release.

Benefits: Extremely good for the thyroid which affects hair fall, this yoga pose is one of the best remedies for hair growth. It is also helpful if you have dry and dull hair. This pose helps nourish hair by flowing blood to the head and giving you luscious hair. It helps prevent hair fall and loss and helps regrow hair. This pose has long-lasting effects on hair and can turn your thin and dry hair into a healthy-looking and flawless mane.

5. Uttanasana (forward bending camel pose)

How to do it: Stand straight with your legs close to each other. Lift your arms up, take a deep breath and without exhaling bend forward, keeping your arms straight. Touch the mat beside your heels with your palms and hold the position for a few seconds. Keep your head and your eyes down and your neck in a relaxed position during this time. Also, pull your abdominal muscles in. Rise up while exhaling. Repeat a few times.

Benefits: A list of yoga poses for hair growth is incomplete without the mention of the camel pose. This forward bending yoga pose is extremely easy to do and effective too. It relaxes muscles and flows the blood and oxygen to the head and scalp which enables the hair follicles to grow long and strong. Not only this, it improves the texture and quality of your hair and makes it smoother and shinier.

6. Ustrasana (back bending camel pose)

How to do it: Kneel down on the yoga mat and keep your knees slightly apart. Bend backwards and try to touch the soles of your feet with your hands. Look back and keep your chest lifted up. Hold this position for a few breaths before you release. Although it is a bit difficult, it is totally worth trying this yoga exercise for hair growth.

Benefits: It has many benefits like posture improvement, better digestion and back strength. But it can also help you get a fuller and healthier mane. This yoga asana for healthy hair enhances hair growth by stimulating the nerves of the scalp and increasing blood flow in the head which makes your hair strong and helps to control excessive hair fall.

7. Sasangasana (Rabbit pose)

How to do it: Stand on your knees on the yoga mat and bend your head down forward so that it touches your knees. Let the crown of your head touch the floor. Keeping your arms straight, try and hold your heels with your hands. Stay in this yoga pose for some time before releasing it. Take deep breaths in the process.

Benefits: Practicing sasangasana for 2 minutes every day can give you healthier and stronger hair. This is a beneficial pose from yoga for hair growth and thickness which might look a bit tough to work but is actually easy. It stabilizes hormones, regulates blood flow to the scalp and fixes any imbalance in the thyroid gland which causes hair loss.

8. Matsyasana (fish pose)

How to do it: Lie down on your back and keep your body straight. Slowly bend your knees inward and place your hands next to your hips with your palms facing down. Now, slowly rise up by engaging your core and stretching as much as you can. Arch your neck fully and hold the pose for 15-30 seconds. While bending, make sure you don’t stress your back too much as it may cause an injury.

Benefits: Quite an easy asana to practice; this can be done quickly without any equipment. It is popularly recommended for strong and healthy hair as it can relieve you of most hair problems. Practice this pose daily, and you will see reduced hair fall and increased growth.

Yoga will help tone your body but while it’s doing that, it also helps you to be truly in the moment and infuses your spirit with positive energy. Meditation is a huge part of yoga. If you’re looking to introduce some soothing meditation into your life, you could sign up for the online yoga program. Your mind, body, and soul will soon start enjoying the benefits! A gym workout is focused primarily on improving your body’s physical condition.


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